Wandercraft equips Henri-Mondor with an Atalante exoskeleton thanks to the #ProtègeTonSoignant collective.

The AP-HP Henri-Mondor University Hospital Group chose Atalante to relieve its medical staff and rehabilitation services, which were severely strained during the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic, while optimising the walking rehabilitation treatments offered to its patients. Care providers, already involved in the usual rehabilitation (spinal cord injuries, post-stroke, MS, etc.), are under additional pressure due to the flow of patients suffering from post-Covid resuscitation neuropathies. The Atalante exoskeleton is designed to provide optimal balance and walking rehabilitation while reducing the therapist's fatigue.Henri-Mondor's acquisition of Atalante - the first at AP-HP and in a French public hospital - was financed by the action of the #ProtegeTonSoignant collective, funded by donations from individuals and private companies.A pioneer in dynamic walking robotics, Atalante can be used hands-free, without crutches, in a simple and intuitive way. The exoskeleton allows caregivers to make patients walk again shortly after discharge from intensive care and at all stages of rehabilitation.

Henri-Mondor, innovation and expertise at the service of patients
The GHU Henri-Mondor is a pole of excellence of the AP-HP. The Group's five establishments have an annual patient intake of almost 100,000 patients. They cover the majority of medical and surgical disciplines for short stays, as well as all follow-up and rehabilitation care. During the peak of the Covid-19 epidemic, the hospital rapidly opened 21 operating rooms, 85 resuscitation beds, and 35 specialized Covid rehabilitation beds.
Professor Jean-Michel Gracies, head of the neuro-rehabilitation department and head of the Institut Universitaire du Handicap at the University of Paris-Est Créteil, said: "The medical staff at Henri-Mondor Hospital was highly committed to addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. Atalante will enable them to continue their efforts against the crisis, by optimising walking rehabilitation care, while improving their working conditions and greatly reducing their physical efforts. More generally, Atalante is likely to be decisive in neurorehabilitation for all heavy paraparetic and tetraparetic patients, as well as in resuming walking more easily for early stage massive hemiparetic patients and perhaps even for severe parkinsonism.
By choosing Atalante, Henri-Mondor confirms its mission to offer the best care to its patients through innovative and cutting-edge technologies.
Support of the #ProtegeTonSoignant group
The acquisition of Atalante was made possible by the financial assistance of the collective #ProtegeTonSoignant, a project initially launched by artists, entrepreneurs and citizens to provide emergency support to French medical staff in the fight against the COVID-19 virus. The initiative calls for the mobilization of citizens and businesses to help medical staff. #ProtegeTonSoignant brought together more than one hundred volunteers on the domestic French territory and was concluded on 31 May 2020.

Improving treatments for walking impairments
Atalante allows people with severe walking disorders to stand up and walk to carry out rehabilitation exercises, hands-free, while facilitating the work of health professionals.Atalante is designed to enable treatments that rely on intensive motor work, promote neuroplasticity and patient engagement. Its use to assist in post-stroke gait relearning is currently being evaluated.
Matthieu Masselin, President and co-founder of Wandercraft, says :"We are proud to have been trusted by the AP-HP Henri-Mondor Hospital teams. Henri-Mondor's medical staff were challenged during the peak Covid-19 epidemic. In just a few days, they created dozens of intensive care beds and saved many lives.We will do everything possible to ensure that Atalante eases their efforts and assists them in their mission, which is shared by Wandercraft: to give back mobility to those who have lost it.The #ProtectYourCaregiver collective has done a great job in supporting health professionals. Having partnered with them is an additional reason for Wandercraft to be proud.We work at the cutting edge of robotics and MedTech to provide healthcare professionals with profoundly innovative tools. The path to improving the mobility of people with reduced mobility is now open. »
Wandercraft, pioneer of walking robotics
Founded in 2012, Wandercraft is a French company, a pioneer of realistic and autonomous walking exos. The team has a lead of several years in dynamic walking algorithms, artificial intelligence and technologies related to walking robotics.The development of a personal exoskeleton is also underway with the aim, within a few years, of improving the mobility of millions of people with reduced mobility, at home and in their daily lives.Wandercraft distributes its exoskeletons to health institutions and is developing a personal version. It has received numerous awards and its ambition is supported by prestigious investors.Wandercraft fulfills the promise of robotics to offer an Ordinary Life to Extraordinary People. www.wandercraft.eu